While the rest of the people are planning to start the gym, learn a new language, or travel; entrepreneurs, true leaders, and business owners are working on an action plan to grow their businesses, or make new investments. Have you wondered if Is it possible to reach freedom as a business owner? Here we will go through some things you might need to consider for your business’s success this New Year.

“Don’t make resolutions without an action plan.
The secret to success is right in your hands.”.
J Allen Shaw
Table of contents
- Set your business objectives
- Is it possible to reach freedom as a business owner?
- Define your goal. Evaluate your current status vs your plan
I have so many reasons to say thank you to all of you and I am pretty sure you all have the greatest feeling during these days: gratefulness and inspiration.
This is the period of time when people start running again, start with a new diet or have the purpose of learning a new language but let’s face it, most of the time this feeling does not last further than 2-3 months (being positive) and then will find themselves involved in new challenges, projects, etc. So how can we do to create a New Year’s Resolution plan if our goal is not starting the gym again but growing our business?
Let’s immerse our noses into these tips we found very helpful for your objectives!
Set your business objectives.
I might say that probably there is a certain amount of people who read the introduction of this post and thought “it does not apply to me” because they might be into the low percentage of people who really attaches to their plans and are literally a go-getter. Just like that friend of mine, Luis, who one day was motivated by a group of people to join a running team, he was all the opposite type of person who you would think will join that type of activity, but the reality is that after one year of constant training, he ran his first important marathon. When I watched his post on Instagram I remember I thought “wow! I heard the same speech from that group of people that day and here I am chewing gum, zapping, and checking Instagram at the same time…nop, running is not for me, if they would have invited me to a dancing class maybe…but running….!”
The truth is that is not only the type of goal you have, the personality you own, or the circumstances or the momentum you are living, it is the perspective you have of the goal and the planning you structure to get it. Luis not only decided to start training, but he also did an actual action plan, he started to achieve short-term goals until he got to the level he planned to be.
If, and just if, I would do what my friend did maybe I would be running with him in France this year…
Ooooook, you know me better, I won’t…
But the point is that actually creating a plan, a structured plan, increases the possibility to reach your goal.
Now, if you are an entrepreneur or a business owner whether you lead a big corporation or a small business, having clear business goals that are time-bound and attainable allows you to orient your company in the right direction as you grow.
So before starting your own marathon I recommend you to keep the following steps in mind:
- Set goals that are clearly defined
- Set goals both, short-term and long-term.
- Set goals that help your team see the overall company vision and require teamwork to attain.
Define your goal. Evaluate your current status vs your plan.
Let’s pretend -just pretend- I am going to start creating a plan to join Luis in that marathon, what should I do first? Well, I know you already got the answer, yes! I need to evaluate what’s my current physical status. So, first of all, you need to evaluate your business status, which means how well the business is performing, measure your business response towards market demands, effectiveness in the established processes, etc. You can also check into Info Entrepreneurs article they post which might help you.
Once you have a clear perspective of what’s your current status you can move forward to set your business goals. There is a method used by several organizations for this purpose, it is called SMART.
Specific: Define your goal and ensure it is clear and specific.
Measurable: Set measurable goals so to track your progress and stay motivated.
Attainable: Confirm your goal is realistic and attainable.
Realistic: Ensure that your goal is relevant and aligns with other pertinent goals.
Timely: Set a target date and timeline.
As you see to set your business goals involves the what, how who, and when you will get the goal. It is a group of short-term goals that will help you reach the main one.
You also need to remember that as you work to achieve your business goals, you’ll need to develop business objectives in a way that is workable for your staff, so effective communication will be key to the success of your planning as well.
Now that you have defined your business goal for this new year you will need to:
- Know who will be involved. It is a crucial moment to evaluate those repetitive tasks you can delegate. Hiring Executive Assistants is something that you might consider to have the help you need to focus on your plans. If you do not exactly what an EA does please click this link What does a Virtual Assistant do?
- Create action plans. These should include specific tasks for specific people. Make sure individuals have ownership of particular pieces of the plan, remember delegating is important for effective leadership.
- Establish a timeline. Setting deadlines for each of the short-term goals will help you to measure the progress, evaluate the success of the plan and make the proper adjustments if necessary.
- Provide constant communication. Maintaining transparent and fluent communication with the staff will ensure all the team is focused and well-instructed in the goal to reach. Make sure they all are clear on the objectives and understand your vision.
- Be an effective leader. Be approachable, open, honest, and Inspire your team.
Is it possible to reach freedom as a business owner?
One of entrepreneurs’ or business owners’ dreams is to reach freedom while maintaining their business running successfully, the most common question is: “is it possible?” well, yes this is possible!
I am quite sure that is the end of the road that most of you, dear digital friends, might see as your marathon end line, and although you might be thinking just as I did while zapping and chewing gum, let me tell you one more time: reaching freedom as a business owner is possible! But to get that goal we need to create an action plan and work on it, with solid ethical leadership skills and effective communication developed.
I know, I just hit a nerve… please just take a deep breath and keep reading…
So please be honest with yourself, we really need to work on ethical leadership and truly develop trust in our staff’s skills so we could get the desired goal.
Build your business to run without you, I mean you need to be more essential and less involved so you are not busy but productive. I know it sounds confusing at times, but it is not when you think about it carefully. You will be available to get that level when you extend your presence through others’ actions, by inspiring them and getting them involved constantly in your decision-making, objectives, and plans.
So that image of you in front of the beach, having a blast with your family and friends, and being completely disconnected from the job for a while is reachable and we can help you with that.
Business objectives provide a concrete game plan that allows your team to achieve the company goals but also your own goals as a business leader. You can start with your New Year’s business Action plan today by hiring a talented Executive Assistant in Mya Assistant.
Hire your Virtual Assistant now!
See you soon!